
Natural Remedies for Lipoma


A lipoma is a benign lump that forms under the skin due to an overgrowth of fat cells. A lipoma can occur anywhere on the body where there are fat cells. Lipomas are soft and rounded or lobulated and they easily move around. Most of the time, these lumps are relatively small, but researchers have observed “giant lipomas” that are larger than the typical maximum of two inches across.

Lipomas most often occur on the neck, trunk and extremities but they can occur anywhere on the body. Can a lipoma become cancerous? A lipoma is considered to be a benign, non-cancerous growth. There is a very rare type of cancer known as lip sarcoma, which occurs within fatty tissue and may look like a deep lipoma.

Therefore, lipomas are not cancer, and it’s very rare for a lipoma to turn into a cancerous sarcoma. However, since it’s possible, if you notice that a lipoma starts to change (especially if it grows quickly or becomes painful), alert your doctor who may want to perform a biopsy.

While all lipomas are made up of fat, there are sub-types based on the way they appear under the microscope. Types of lipoma include:

  • Conventional lipoma (common, mature white fat)
  • Hibernoma (brown fat instead of the usual white fat)
  • Fibrolipoma (fat plus fibrous tissue)
  • Angiolipoma (fat plus a large amount of blood vessels)
  • Myelolipoma (fat plus tissue that makes blood cells)
  • Spindle cell lipoma (fat with cells that look like rods)
  • Pleomorphic lipoma (fat with cells of all different shapes and sizes)
  • Atypical lipoma (deeper fat with a larger number of cells)

Natural Remedies for Lipoma


Doctors do not fully understand what causes a lipoma.
Some people inherit a faulty gene from their parents that can cause one or more lipomas. This is rare and is known as familial multiple lipomatosis.
Lipomas can occur more frequently in people with specific medical conditions, such as:

  • Gardner's syndrome
  • Cowden syndrome
  • Madelung's disease
  • adiposis dolorosa

Researchers have also suggested that some lipomas may result from an injury that involves a substantial impact on the area.


A person with a lipoma will typically feel a soft, oval-shaped lump just beneath the skin. Lipomas are usually painless unless they affect joints, organs, nerves, or blood vessels. In most cases, they do not cause other symptoms.

A person with a lipoma that occurs deeper under the skin may not be able to see or feel it. However, a deep lipoma may place pressure on internal organs or nerves and cause associated symptoms. For example, a person with a lipoma on or near the bowels may experience nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

Herbal Remedies for Lipoma

The effectiveness of a home remedy varies depending on the person, the severity of the infection, and the quality of the treatment used. There are some natural remedies Lipomas that might help ease your symptoms and keep you from feeling so miserable. The use of herbal treatment options can be effective for some when used in conjunction with traditional treatment options. Natural Remedies for Lipoma and their numerous healing benefits. Natural herbal remedies for Lipomas can be very effective for the mild symptoms that you experience on a day to day basis. Herbal Treatment for Lipoma is the benefit of nature and our nature is the abundant source for all of them.


The magical spice of turmeric can help in decreasing the size and prevent recurrence of lipomas. It is the compound curcumin in turmeric which helps in dealing with lipomas. A mask of turmeric can be applied on the lipoma. To prepare the mask, you can add 1 tsp of turmeric to olive oil to form a soft paste. Apply this paste on the lipoma and colour it with a bandage to avoid colouring from turmeric's yellow dye.


Sage herb can be used as a natural treatment for lipomas. The herb is commonly used in cooking and has properties that can attract fat. Applying sage extract over a lipoma can help in dissolving the lipoma naturally. Additionally, the herb also helps in balancing fluids in the body. Imbalance of fluids in the fatty issue can lead to a condition like lipoma.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a simple yet effective treatment for lipomas.
It balances the pH levels in the body, which helps clear the lipoma along with preventing its recurrence. Also, it helps soften the lump and slowly reduces the size and appearance of it under the skin.

Also, it aids digestion and helps flush out toxins and other impurities from within the body.

  • Drink a glass of water with 1 to 2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in it, twice daily.
  • Mix equal amounts of melted beeswax and raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Use it as an ointment for reducing the size of a lipoma.

Castor Oil

You can use castor oil to treat various benign growths, including lipomas.
The ricinoleic acid in castor oil helps shrink the size of the fatty tissues underneath your skin. However, this oil works best on small deposits that are new.

  • Soak a cotton ball in cold-pressed, pure castor oil.
  • Apply it on the affected area.
  • Massage for a few minutes, then secure the cotton ball in place with a bandage or tape.
  • Leave it on overnight, and clean the area with warm water the next morning.
  • Repeat this remedy daily until you are satisfied with the result.


Ginger is an herb that can effectively help reduce the size of lipomas. It can also prevent new lipomas from developing.
In addition, it promotes healthy blood circulation throughout the body.

  • Massage the affected area with ginger oil a few times daily. You can leave the oil on your skin for 30 minutes, and then rinse it off.
  • Drink 2 or 3 cups of ginger tea daily. To prepare the tea, boil a few slices of fresh ginger root in 1 cup of water. Allow it to steep for 5 minutes. Strain the tea. You can add a little lemon juice and honey for taste.
  • Add ginger to any of your juices, broths or cooked dishes to enjoy its immense health benefits.

Herbal Care Products are offering “MOPICAL” for Lipoma Herbal Treatment, it is an herbal supplement made out of 100% natural ingredients for herbal treatment for Lipoma that are obtained from authentic herb retailers. It has been particularly formulated for patients suffering from Lipoma.


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