
Natural Remedies for Folliculitis Relieve the Inflammation

Natural Remedies for Folliculitis

Folliculitis is a type of skin condition in which the hair follicles get inflamed. Hair follicles refer to the minute pockets from where each hair strand develops. This is often the result of an infection, usually bacterial or fungal in nature. At the onset, it appears as a tiny red bump that develops in the follicle area. Sometimes it appears as a pimple with a white head. After a few days, and as the infection spreads, the bumps form crusty sores.It can usually be managed effectively at home, but in order to get rid of the problem.

The advantage of using Natural Remedies for Folliculitis mild cases is that these solutions have no side-effects, making it a preferred option.

Herbal Treatment for Folliculitis

If you want to cure your folliculitis, with naturally occurring natural remedies for folliculitis, then natural is the line of treatment that can be chosen. Here are some natural remedies for folliculitis to help you in recovering from this skin problem.

Herbal Remedies for Folliculitis

While folliculitis is not considered a serious health condition, without effective management and treatment it can lead to skin damage including dark spots and scarring. Like pruritus, a common skin condition, it can be challenging to find the right Folliculitis Herbal Treatment, but there are a wide range of conventional and natural remedies for folliculitis that may provide relief and prevent further discomfort and damage.


Known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, there is growing evidence that shows turmeric is effective for treating a variety of dermatologic diseases according to a systematic review published in the journal Phytotherapy Research. Researchers looked at results of 18 studies and found that 10 studies showed significant improvement in skin disease severity with turmeric/curcumin treatment.

When fighting a folliculitis outbreak, take 600 milligrams three times a day of a high-quality turmeric supplement. Make sure you select one that contains black pepper or piperine as it increases turmeric’s absorption.

Topically, a turmeric paste may help fight an infection. But be warned the bright yellow tone of the turmeric may stain your skin for a couple of days. Mix a ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with either coconut oil, or just a bit of water, to form a paste. Spread gently over the affected areas and cover with a bandage overnight. Reapply as necessary until the symptoms abate.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is, undoubtedly, one of the world’s most trusted natural remedies for folliculitis conditions that affect the skin; folliculitis is no exception. When applied on the infected skin, the cool gel works by soothing the skin and remarkably reducing the itchiness associated with the condition. The natural makeup of the gel also causes the swelling to subside while reducing the pain. Unlike other remedies, aloe vera is extremely beneficial for treating inflamed follicles because it repairs the damage and allows the follicles to heal quickly. Prepare the remedy as follows in order to get the gel’s healing properties.

Witch Hazel

Add several drops of witch hazel to your shampoo and conditioner and then wash your hair, condition and style normally. It can also be applied directly with a sterile cotton pad or swab to the bumps and pimples to fight bacteria and soothe the itching.

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves constitute a reliable remedy for the management of different skin conditions. When it comes to the Herbal Treatment of Folliculitis, the use of neem leaves has proven to be a soothing remedy. What’s more, the presence of anti-fungal and antibacterial properties helps deal with the infection. There are two simple ways in which you can use neem leaves: you may either extract the juice and apply topically, or boil the leaves and use the resulting solution in the same way. Follow the set of directions below to help you get the most out of neem leaves.

Natural Essential Oil for Folliculitis

Natural essential oil for folliculitis has long been used as an ideal form of remedy for a wide array of topical infections. Natural remedies for folliculitis work effectively because the oils are mixed and applied topically. In addition to this, the oils have excellent antiseptic properties that ensure the speedy healing of the bumps that appear on the skin. Tea tree oil is added for its antibacterial properties that go a long way in reducing the spread of the infection. Water is added to prevent any skin irritation especially for those with sensitive skin. You will also need cotton wool to ease the application.

Coconut Oil

As is the case with most skin conditions, coconut oil works effectively well in the clearing of infections and the reduction of associated symptoms. For this reason, it is used in the natural remedies for folliculitis, thanks to its healing properties. These include anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Virgin coconut oil is preferred. Since the oil usually solidifies in low temperatures, you may need a water bath to melt as indicated below. This makes it easier to use.

Neem Oil

Because of its powerful antiseptic and antifungal properties, neem oil may rid the skin of bacteria and certain fungal infections, including Candida albicans, while reducing redness and inflammation. It may even help to prevent scars. In a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, researchers praise the antifungal effect of neem at a 20 percent concentration.

To relieve a bacterial or fungal infection on the skin or scalp, mix 3 drops of neem oil to 1 tablespoon of coconut oil or almond oil. Apply to affected areas and massage gently into surrounding areas to help kill any surface level infection. Leave on overnight, if possible, or at least six to eight hours. Neem oil can also be applied directly to infected areas, but use it with caution the first time to make sure you don’t have an adverse reaction.

Tea Tree Oil

Known for its ability to fight bacteria and fungi, tea tree oil can be easily added to your favorite shampoo and body wash. This is particularly helpful for recurrent folliculitis as it is shown to be effective against bacteria that occur on the skin, including staph and most gram-negative bacteria. Plus it demonstrates great antifungal properties.

Before using, do a small test patch in an inconspicuous area as tea tree oil can cause an adverse reaction for some people. If you don’t react to the test, mix 4 to 5 drops of tea tree oil with your favorite shampoo or body wash for each shower. Massage in well, allow to sit on your skin or hair for five minutes or so, and rinse well. This is a great option for those with recurring outbreaks keeps tea tree oil in your shower.

Additional Tips for Folliculitis

The above remedies provide a great solution to the natural treatment of inflamed follicles. In addition to these, there are simple natural remedies for folliculitis that you can use to prevent or reduce the chances of folliculitis.

  • Observe personal hygiene. Bath and change clothes daily to prevent clogged pores. This is especially important after makeup application.
  • Change your bedding more regularly. This is because bed sheets absorb a lot of dust and sweat as you sleep. This can easily lengthen the healing process as it worsens the damage done to the root follicles.
  • Avoid tight clothing as this cause’s intense friction between the skin and the fabric, thus increasing the inflammation link associated with folliculitis.
  • As you use these natural remedies for folliculitis, remember to steer clear of public water facilities such as hot tubs and swimming pools. Even after the skin has healed, you want to ensure that such facilities are well treated using chlorine.
  • Lastly, incorporate the use of an antibacterial soap to your bath routines in order to help fight off the infection.

Natural remedies for folliculitis may be effective at treating certain types of folliculitis and help to relieve the inflammation, itching, overall discomfort and speed healing. Herbal Care Products offered natural herbal treatment for folliculitis with herbal supplement which is made with herbal ingredients and it’s free from any kind of side effects.

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